Saturday, May 30, 2009

funny thing happened on the way to H e L L

i'm one of those fraudy asian-americans that use my asianness only when it suits me/ when the identity helps me get away with stuff, or hide behind The Culture. sometimes it's b.s. (like, for instance look at me trying to write my name in chinese characters--holy mess.) ok, i just figured out that instead of trying to pull off "NO ENGRISH" w/ a straight face when approached by panhandlers and harrassing possible scam-artists (usu. at symphony parking lot and powell hall environs)--which never works cuz i'm never ready for the proper delivery (derivery)-- i have decided to just go with my normal, perfect native english and say "NO ENGLISH" just regular, w/o the silly r/l switch (with is sooo offensive har), because it's nobody's business and i look the part and that should be sufficient.


  1. Maybe you need to get out more.

  2. you are so intuitive--how'd you get from that post that i don't have a life? (cuz it's totally TOTALLY true!)

  3. actually, YOU as a white male should try it and let me know how it goes---next time someone starts in on this long story about missing a bus, really needs money for smokes (i mean salad) could you try "no english"? u of all ppl could pull it off. i keep forgetting that you read this blog! AAAHHH. you must think i'm soooo silly!

  4. Oh, thanks for not being offended by my obnoxious comment. Now I like this blog even more.

    I will let you know what happens to the "no english" experiment.

  5. I'm still laughing. I had a Japanese client send me his tearsheets with the post-it note: "Dispray of work." I still have that on my desk.
