Sunday, March 7, 2010

risk management with dave matthews. i like him!

here's a good song.  i like it; it works--music, lyrics, dave matthews' distinctive voice/style...
wanna hear?  you might die trying,  i first heard it on HOUSE, season 5, maybe episode 2 or 3. 
there's definitely a connection between dave matthews and hugh laurie.  he played a piano virtuoso in season 4, i think.  maybe they "jam" in real life.  as we know, sir laurie can play guitar, piano, sing, dance--quadruple threat, really.  he can juggle too.  so talented.

"You Might Die Trying"

To change the world,
Start with one step.

However small,
The first step is hardest of all.

Once you get your gait,
You will walkin tall.
You said you never did,

Cause you might die trying,
Cause you might die trying.

If you close your eyes,
Cuz the house is on fire.,,,
And think you couldn't move,
Until the fire dies.
[@davin:  the FREEZE of instinctive/primitive fear reaction.  thanks brain stem]

The things you never did,

Oh, cause you might die trying,
Cause you might die trying.

You'd be as good as dead,

Cause you might die trying,
Cause you might die trying.

If you give, you, you begin to live.
If you give, you begin to live.

You begin, you get the world.

If you give, you begin to live,

You get the world, you get the world.

If you give, you begin to live.

You might die trying.
Oh, you might die trying.
Yeah, you might die trying.

The things you never did,

Cause you might die trying;

You'd be as good as dead.

'Cuz you never did.

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