Saturday, May 1, 2010

other people's summer memories ITALY.  why did i never go to spoleto?? why why why
"egyptian rat screw"  (card game including lots of slapping--of hands) is really part of my summer music camp memories---meadowmount, pacific music festival.  probably even aspen, i'm not sure but i went there for like 7 summers or something.  taos was just endless scrabble---so fun.
i think this was taken ten years ago.  apparently they are playing egyptian ratscrew.. in italy. shawn, now in st louis symphony avec moi is on the left; i don't know the next guy; davin (!) has a goatee! haha; next is florence leblond, cellist, who was my neighbor at yale; then mark inouye (whose facebook album i stole this from) who is HILARIOUS cokeaholic (the drink, not the drug) who can do lots of neat-o tricks and oh is also principal trumpet of San Francisco Symphony.

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