first, cherokee street indian...
entertaining ceramics:
so tacky it's genius: and beautifully knit:
blingbling shoes i dared to put my [sock-covered] feet in:
much more glittery in person. also, could run mile in them, very comfortable. i guess also so fun to wear them, that would be motivating. SO FUN i could do a tapdance! serious!
but i can't wear old used shoes (even bling ones with a a martini glass drawing on the inside!!!)
an official "lucky strike" bright red BOWLING SLEEVE inside!
YES! c'est l'astro-turf! a PURSE!!
huh? knick-knack display violins? (set of three)
"make 7UP yours" LAMP!
after trying all the mad-men glasses, several furry coats/capes, i bought these two modest items. now i realize how i frikin SCORED! the sweater is absolutely perfect, no flaws at all, not even a bit nubby, and when i got home and inspected it further---it's made in japan! so it must be best-quality, right? i LUV it and it was 15 buck. the hawaii glass has mai-tai recipe on back. Handy! (i've never had a mai-tai, but sounds like a vacation)
u likey?
at first glance looks like uhh you know, but it's not. it's SUCK'EM UP